Kinetix IT FAQ’s

We talk to small, medium, and large businesses in Michigan, every week, who are considering Managed IT Services as a solution for their company.  Here are some of the more common questions we receive.

General Questions

How many years has Kinetix been in business?

Kinetix began operations in 1991 as a small firm with a niche in healthcare Kinetix turned to adding Voice over IP solutions (VoIP) in 2006 and Managed IT Services support in early 2008. Since then, Kinetix has grown into a full-service managed IT services company servicing small, medium, and large businesses in many industries throughout Michigan.

How big of a company is Kinetix?

Currently, Kinetix has a staff of 18 and growing with two Michigan offices based in Sparta and Canton, MI.  Most of our technicians have a tenure of 12+ years.  We consider ourselves an SMB with amazing maneuverability and collaborate with businesses of all sizes.

What type of IT solutions does Kinetix provide?

We are a full-service IT firm that supports small, mid-sized, and large businesses in Managed IT, Co-Managed IT, Cybersecurity, Network Infrastructure, Cloud Services, and VoIP Services.

What industries does Kinetix serve?

We can provide IT services to any industry.    A large portion of our clients are in the CPA/Accounting, Dental, Healthcare, Legal, Manufacturing, and Veterinary sectors.

What areas of Michigan does Kinetix provide IT services?

Currently, our two offices (Sparta and Canton) allow us to provide IT services to the West Michigan Lakeshore, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Ann Arbor, Detroit, and surrounding areas.  Future strategic office expansions are in the planning stages.

Does Kinetix provide IT Consulting?

Yes!  We often provide advisory services to help align a business’s goals and objectives with the correct technology strategy.

Will Kinetix work with us on large IT projects?

Yes!  We provide guidance and support for businesses with upcoming large IT projects such as office relocations, hardware and infrastructure upgrades, cloud migrations, VoIP system installations and upgrades, and many others.

How often will Kinetix review our IT services if we become a client?

Your systems and existing services are reviewed regularly by our technical team.   Your technical account manager will meet with you to review your services and provide recommendations as often as quarterly, or as infrequent annually, with the appropriate staff.

What are my first steps to learning more about how Kinetix can support my business?

We are excited and honored at the prospect of becoming your IT services provider!  You can call us anytime in the West Michigan area at 616-887-5689, the SE Michigan area at 734-535-8100, or send us a message through our contact page.

Managed IT Questions

What are Managed IT Services?

A Managed Services Provider (MSP) is a company, like Kinetix, that delivers Managed IT Services, such as network, application, infrastructure, and security, via ongoing and regular support and active administration on either a customer’s premises, in our (Kinetix’s) data center (hosting), or in a third-party data center.  An MSP retains responsibility for the functionality of your IT service and equipment, and you pay a nominal monthly fee for the service. So, to boil it down to one sentence—Managed IT is outsourcing your IT needs to an MSP.  Imagine it like this- having your own personal “internal IT” department!

What are the benefits of Managed IT Services for businesses?

There are many reasons why a business can benefit from Managed IT Services from Kinetix!  Some of those include:

  • Less costly than hiring an IT person.
  • Less office downtime and increased productivity.
  • Fewer daily disruptions.
  • Predictable pricing.
  • Peace of mind. No more technological headaches!

What is the cost of Managed IT Services?

The tricky question, right?  One thing Kinetix DOES NOT believe in is overcharging i.e. “nickel and diming” people!  The honest answer is it depends on what services you need, but in general, cost is based on the number of devices (servers, desktops, laptops, etc....) or users on your network.  The cost is rarely what people expect.  It is a nominal monthly cost and is usually much more cost-effective than hiring an internal IT person!  Kinetix will ALWAYS provide you with a competitive quote before any services are rendered.  If interested in a quote from Kinetix, then go to our contact page.

What is the minimum number of employees for Kinetix’s services?

Our client base ranges from 5 employees up to 250!  Kinetix can work with your size and your budget!

How do I know what IT services I need?

That is not an unusual question!  You don’t know what you don’t know.  Whether you need Managed IT, Cybersecurity, or a new VoIP solution, the experts at Kinetix will listen to what your business IT goals are, learn what you are currently doing for IT, then provide recommendations (and a quote) for you.  It really is that easy!

Can Kinetix help with our industry compliance?

Kinetix helps hundreds of clients become, and maintain, compliancy in the healthcare, CPA/Accounting, legal, and other industries.  We maintain our own annual HIPAA Compliance Certification and have assisted with more Security Risk Analysis reports than we can count for our healthcare practice clients.

We also assist our CPA/Accounting clients with FTC and SOC 2 compliance, as well as all state and federal compliance for our legal industry clients.  Our security stack, KinetixSecure®, is compliant, tight and well-monitored.

What if I currently have a managed service provider, but want to switch to Kinetix?

Kinetix makes this very easy with our systematized onboarding procedure.   Typically there is a 30-day window for onboarding with Kinetix as you simultaneously are removing services from your previous MSP.   We do an assessment up-front with what services will need to be moved over to Kinetix and work directly with your previous MSP to complete the transition.

How long does onboarding with Kinetix take?

If you have a current MSP and are onboarding with Kinetix, we can usually have all Kinetix services in place and transferred within 30 days.   If you do not have an MSP at present, it can normally be done in an average of 1 week.

My company already has an IT staff/person. How can Kinetix help us?

Many of our clients have an existing IT staff.  We provide Co-Managed IT services that assist with larger operations such as security tools and monitoring, VoIP migration, and other large projects so that your internal IT team can focus on your business’s daily operations.

Can Kinetix provide a complete network setup from scratch?

Absolutely!  Our expert team will work with you to find out your IT goals and build your network infrastructure around them.  From design to installation, to amazing customer support, and whether cloud-based or premise-based, or both, Kinetix has you covered!

What kind of computers does Kinetix recommend, and can I get them directly through you?

After discussing your goals and objectives, we will recommend what computers we think will best suit your needs, the cost, and what the next steps are every step of the way.  We have partnerships with the world’s leading brands (HP, Dell, Microsoft, Lenovo, Apple), and through our long-standing distributor relationships, we can provide your businesses computers at a reasonable price.

Do I have to sign a long-term contract?

Absolutely not!  We despise long-term contracts just as much as anyone!  We believe in our service and support and earning your business…every month!   With the exception of a few of our services where our vendors require a one-year commitment, our clients enjoy a month-to-month agreement and can cancel at any time without penalties.  However, most of our clients have been with us for more than 10 years!

Can you provide references and testimonials?

Yes!  You can visit our testimonials page at blank for a list of testimonials from current clients.  If you would like others, then let us know and we can accommodate! With more than 30 years in business, there isn’t much we haven’t done in the IT world!

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Questions

Do I need an updated phone system?

If you are asking this question…then probably.  If you are still using an analog system…then definitely!  We offer, and recommend, an up-to-date Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solution.  We are one of less than 10 nationally ranked 3CX Titanium Partners and have been helping businesses of all sizes migrate to a VoIP solution since 2006.

What is VoIP, exactly?

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. It is a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a traditional analog phone line.  VoIP services convert your voice into a digital signal that travels over the Internet. If you are calling a regular phone number, the signal is converted to a regular telephone signal before it reaches the destination. VoIP can allow you to make a call directly from a computer, a special VoIP phone, a mobile phone app, or a traditional phone connected to a special adapter.  In layman’s terms, it’s using your company’s Internet connection or wireless to make or receive calls rather than utilizing traditional landlines.

Is a VoIP system complicated?

It sounds like it is, but we assure you that it is not!  In fact, in the almost 20 years we have been providing this service, we have never had a customer ask to be switched back to their traditional phone system. Kinetix can deploy 3CX very quickly with virtually ZERO downtime or missed calls. It's easy – everything will come configured by Kinetix.

How much does a VoIP solution cost?

We have been able to save some of our clients thousands of dollars every year while increasing their calling and phone features by switching them over to our VoIP services. Kinetix will provide you with a free assessment to compare your current pricing and agreement terms to match them up with equal or better services from 3CX.  All we need is a copy of your most recent phone bill and a 10-minute initial phone conversation to discuss the features that you want!  Easy!

BONUS:  If we can't save you money after your free assessment, then we'll donate $100 to your favorite local charity! 😮

Cybersecurity Questions

Is the security that comes with my computer enough?

No, unfortunately.  Hackers have become more sophisticated, more brazen, and have now implemented automation tools in their arsenal.  Having “just” a standard firewall that comes preinstalled with computers is not near enough security protection for your computer, or your network.

Can Kinetix audit our current IT situation and make recommendations?

Yes and the best part is…we do this at no charge!  We will visit you onsite and provide a comprehensive simple Level 1 “vulnerability” test.  We hook up to your current infrastructure and “simulate” an attack on your network to see if there are any cracks or areas that need cybersecurity reinforcements.  This will only take about 10 minutes and will in no way affect your current network as it is a simulated environment.  We will return to our office to analyze the information captured and then provide you with the results and any IT recommendations. Interested in a free vulnerability test from Kinetix?  Click HERE to schedule!

What does Kinetix cybersecurity look like?

Kinetix offers a comprehensive security stack, called KinetixSecure® to detect, analyze, and respond to security incidents and threats. This includes evaluating system logs, network traffic, and security alerts to identify potential vulnerabilities or breaches, conducting thorough investigations to understand the nature of the threats, and implementing mitigation measures to protect our client’s data and infrastructure.

What cybersecurity services does Kinetix provide?

We offer a handful of powerful tools with KinetixSecure® to manage your IT environment including:

  • Endpoint Security Management
  • 24/7 Security Monitoring and Threat Detection
  • Employee Training Tools
  • Data Encryption and Backups
  • Email Encryption
  • Privileged Access Management
  • Anti-Data Exfiltration

How do I get started shoring up my business’s cybersecurity?

Excellent question and very forward-thinking on your part!  The first step is scheduling a free discovery IT consultation with Kinetix.  Our team will gather information about your current cybersecurity posture and then provide you with recommendations and advice, as well as a detailed quote matching each individual recommendation for you and your team to review.

Does Kinetix provide cybersecurity audits?

Yes!  Kinetix provides a free simple Level-1 “vulnerability” test for Michigan businesses.  A vulnerability test is an authorized simulated attack performed on a computer system to evaluate its security. Our expert technicians use the same tools, techniques, and processes as attackers to find weaknesses in a network system.  In a nutshell, we will be able to tell you where any weaknesses that you may have that hackers can (and will eventually) find.   How it works:

  • We provide a vulnerability scanning tool to run on your network computers. The scan runs for 5-10 minutes on average and does not interfere with your other work.
  • When scans are completed, we consolidate the information from all scans to provide a results report.
  • We schedule a meeting with you to go over the report’s results and explain the vulnerabilities found, if any, and what remediation steps you may need to take to close them.
  • That’s it!  Pretty easy thing to do for peace of mind!

If you would like a free vulnerability test from the IT experts at Kinetix, click HERE!

Network and Server Management

Can Kinetix manage our network and servers?

Yes!  That is the basis of our history and one of our specialties.  Kinetix will sit down with you, learn your business needs, then provide our best recommendations for your business to go forward in the technological age, safely, securely, and affordably!

Can Kinetix monitor and manage backups?

Kinetix provides 24/7/365 remote monitoring as part of our Managed IT Services.  Our clients have peace of mind knowing that our security stack, KinetixSecure®, is monitoring nonstop around the clock to keep their network safe, secure, and running efficiently!

Does Kinetix provide backup and recovery?

Yes, Kinetix provides an immutable backup and recovery service to allow you to know that your backups did complete AND are verified.    Immutable means that the backups, once completed in the cloud are stored in such a way that they can never be tampered with, changed, or deleted.   As a safety measure, we mount EVERY volume for each daily backup and check its consistency and we re-verify EVERY version of every backup stored on the local backup device that we provide for you.   Every month we test boot every server or desktop backup and store a screenshot of the positive bootup.   As a further measure, we will boot every server we backup in the cloud and let you run on it for up to 4 hours at no extra cost.   We are serious about wanting to make sure your Business Continuity plan is tested and ready to go to you are ready in an emergency!

Cloud Services

Can Kinetix migrate my business to the cloud?

Yes, cloud migration is one of our most popular services. We work with companies to move their old servers and applications to the cloud, as well as provide migrations to Microsoft 365 from Exchange, Intermedia, GoDaddy, and Google Workspace.

What cloud solutions do you support?

If it is in the cloud, then we support it!  Many of our clients utilize popular cloud services such as AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and we support many other cloud services.

What if our company doesn’t want to use a cloud service?

No problem! We have 30 years of local network application and services experience and can provide a local solution that meets your needs.

Support Questions

Does Kinetix provide 24/7/365 Support?

Sort of.  Our Help Desk Support Center is manned Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily ET.  Our clients enjoy 24/7/365 network monitoring and major events are remedied 24/7/365.  If any abnormal activity is detected after hours, our security stack, KinetixSecure®, will repel the threat and alert our senior staff members immediately.

What are your IT Support Help Desk hours?

Kinetix Help Desk Support is staffed Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET.

What if an issue cannot be solved via Kinetix’s Help Desk Support?

Most issues can be resolved via a remote setting.  However, if the issue you are experiencing cannot be repaired quickly over the phone, or behind the scenes on our end, then we will immediately dispatch a seasoned technician onsite to remedy the problem.

Are Kinetix technicians local?

Yes!  Our technicians are Kinetix employees and are all located in Michigan.

How does Kinetix support Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace?

Our Help Desk Support and technicians are well-versed in both Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace.  Kinetix assists with user administration, troubleshooting, and support.

How long does it take to solve a computer issue?

All circumstances are unique, but on average, most Tier 1 Help Desk Support tickets can be addressed in 10 minutes or less.   Help Desk issues are meant to be solved in 30 minutes or less once started, or else escalated to a Tier-2 engineer.

Do YOU have a question not answered here?  Chances are that others have the same question!  Submit your question here and we’ll add it to our FAQ page AND send you a thank you gift!